CleanSpace and WaterGuard
CleanSpace is a durable white liner that is installed to the walls of the basement, and acts as a barrier between the water draining in and the space of the basement. Once the water drains in behind the CleanSpace, it is in the WaterGuard. The WaterGuard is installed underneath the original concrete of the floor, and collect the water. The hole that was dug for the WaterGuard, is then covered with a thin layer of concrete over top, sealing everything in place, and making it unnoticeable.

The TripleSafe sump pump is our top of the line sump pump. It comes equipped with multiple batter back up systems, the WaterWatch alarm system, and multiple CleanPump stands. The TripleSafe sump pump ensures that this basement will stay dry all of the time.

IceGuard was installed to the exterior discharge line, and this ensures that during a freeze there is never a blockage in the line. It is specifically engineered to allow the water to flow out of the holes in case of a freeze, but when the line is fully open the surface tension does not allow the water to exit the holes.