Efflorescence Present
Efflorescence is the white substance that is being pictured on the walls. It is a white, chalky substance that is made up of salt deposits and is left over once water has been present in a space. Even if you can't physically see water in the space, this is a tell-tale sign that water has been present.

The CleanSpace is this bright white liner. It is laid on the ground and walls of the crawl space and works to waterproof the area. The CleanSpace allows the water to drain behind it, so this way there is no water touching the wood of the crawl space, or moisture lingering in the air that can cause damage.

SuperSump Plus and SaniDry Sedona
The SuperSump Plus is a sump pump. This is what is draining and pumping the water out and away from the home. This works to ensure that any water that is draining behind the CleanSpace is being pumped out and will not back up into the crawl space.

Draining Matting
This picture depicts the drainage matting that lays underneath the CleanSpace. This is what helps to gather the water and send it to the SuperSump Plus sump pump to be drained out and away from the home.