Garage Door Lintel
This picture is depicting the sag in the garage door lintel. The foundation has settled and it has caused the cracks around the garage door and the lintel to sag. This was fixed with a garage door lintel lift.

Cracks in Brick
There is a large crack in the brick to the right of the doors. This is the first sign of foundation settlement. To fix this the push piers were installed to transfer the weight of the home from the settled foundation to the stable soil sitting below.

Push Piers
Directly after the push piers were installed, they were covered with concrete. They are discreet and sit under the home, and the concrete that is placed over the top of them will dry down to a light color. At the end of dry time, the concrete is level, and they are barely noticeable in the home after install.

Interior PolyLevel
The white dots that are pictured are the holes in which the PolyLevel was injected. The crew drills small holes into the concrete and use special equipment to inject the PolyLevel. The PolyLevel helps to lift and stabilize the slab that had settled. This helps hold the weight of the foundation.

Lintel Lift
This is what the lintel lift looks like after installation. The curved steel beam is installed to the sides of the garage door opening. The beam is then flattened out and this is what lifts the lintel back to original position, permanently stabilizing the lintel to prevent further sagging. The beams are covered with decorative paneling to keep up aesthetics.